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Application and Advantages of Air Dome in Gymnasium

"Air bearing" inflatable membrane structure is one of the modern architectural structural forms, "air bearing" refers to the building supported by air.
Depending on the pressure difference, the membrane structure is stable to resist the external wind, rain and snow load, because there is no need for any beam or column support, it can obtain the maximum use space, and natural light can be used during the day without lighting.
The three-layer membrane structure insulation technology of the inflatable stadium is equivalent to the insulation K value of the traditional Sanqi wall, and the energy consumption of cooling and heating is only one-third of that of traditional buildings.
Therefore, the inflatable membrane structure has become the most energy-efficient building form in the world. The automatic air supply system uses frequency modulation technology to automatically adjust the air supply volume according to the outdoor wind pressure to ensure the most economical operation.
The indoor pressure of the inflatable stadium is automatically controlled, which is slightly higher than that of the outdoor. As a result, the air is dense and relatively oxygen-rich. Therefore, inflatable gymnasiums are widely used in schools and community gymnasiums in European and American countries.

10 advantages of inflatable membrane structure gymnasium:

1. Save energy

Inflatable membrane structure buildings are recognized as energy-saving buildings in North America and Europe, which can achieve great building space with very little resource consumption. Good insulation technology, so that the maintenance structure and the dome are up to the traditional building 37 wall insulation coefficient, to achieve the most energy-efficient way to achieve the comfortable environment of the indoor sports stadium.
The automatic air supply system with inflatable film structure solves the air supply problem, which reduces the investment of indoor air conditioning equipment and saves the energy consumption of daily equipment. Therefore, the inflatable membrane structure has excellent energy saving effect.
Only about 20% to 25% of the air-conditioning energy consumption of a traditional gymnasium can be used to achieve the cooling and heating effect of the same area gymnasium. Inflatable gymnasiums create a comfortable indoor sports environment in the most energy efficient way.
2. Go green

Membrane materials for construction are produced by fine chemical, textile and composite technology. All raw materials meet North American and European standards and have no negative effects on the human body. In order to improve the chemical binding force and structural stability of the building membrane, PVDF fluorine coating is used as the surface treatment of the membrane to ensure that it will not react with the pollution factors in the atmosphere.
Therefore, the membrane forms a good surface closure. Film material flame retardant, prolong service life, anti-aging, UV resistance, acid and alkali resistance, wear resistance and automatic cleaning and other properties. The fully automated air supply system of the inflatable building can effectively convert fresh air. In addition, the membrane structure has superior sound insulation effect. Can create a quiet museum environment.
3. Be safe

In developed countries such as North America and Europe, inflatable membrane structures have been safely applied for nearly half a century. The overall shape of the curved structure design, is the smallest wind resistance of the building. In North America, in order to resist hurricanes, the use of steel wire mesh and foundation connection effectively improves the wind resistance of membrane structure buildings.
The design of snow melting system in the high cold area can effectively resist the snow load. The membrane material of the inflatable building has good flame retardant and fire protection performance, and meets the fire protection standards of North America and Europe.
Inflatable buildings are one of the safest buildings in the face of possible personal injury caused by fire. The equipment of the air supply system is used in one standby mode, and the power generation system is automatically started, which can also ensure the safe use in the case of double power failure.
4. Strong earthquake resistance

In the face of catastrophic damage to buildings caused by earthquakes, inflatable membrane structure buildings have absolute advantages. Even if the power grid in the disaster area is shut down, the backup generator can ensure normal operation. Can effectively protect the safety of life. It can be used as a refuge place, command department and temporary rescue hospital in the case of urban disaster relief.
5. Build quickly

The inflatable membrane structure realizes the industrial production of the building, and the foundation construction is carried out at the same time. For semi-permanent inflatable buildings, installation takes only one week after arrival on site. Emergency rescue and temporary inflatable buildings can be quickly installed and inflatable after arrival at the site and put into use. If necessary, the indoor inflatable building can also be unified with inflatable beds and partition partition walls.
6. Transportable buildings

The inflatable membrane structure building is a portable building, which can provide fast and convenient large-span building space for holding large-scale events and temporary exhibition halls.
7. Light weight and low cost

The inflatable membrane structure building weighs about 3 kilograms per square meter, and can be built on the roof to build the idle platform into an inflatable stadium or exhibition hall for all-weather use, effectively saving land. In addition, the roof insulation and waterproof are completely solved.
8. Large span

The air-borne inflatable membrane structure has fundamentally overcome the difficulties and challenges encountered by the traditional structure in realizing the large span without support. Therefore, it can create a huge unobstructed large-span space, which can effectively use the use area of the building.
9. High morphological freedom

Aerated membrane structure technology has excellent surface modeling ability. According to different topography and environmental requirements, various complex curved inflatable buildings can be built.
10. Highly assembled

The inflatable membrane structure building can be connected with the fixed traditional structure building, and multiple inflatable membrane structure buildings can also be freely assembled and combined according to the design requirements. Can meet the use of different functions.