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Tensile membrane structure design (1)

 membrane structure in terms of its structure, can be roughly divided into skeleton type, tension type, inflatable membrane structure 3 forms:
(1) The roof skeleton composed of steel structure or integrated timber, the structural form of tensile film material above the skeleton, and the lower support structure has high stability. Because the shape of the roof is very single, it will not be affected in the opening place, and it is economically reasonable and can be used in various areas.
(2) The tension structure is composed of membrane materials, steel cables and pillars, and the tension is introduced into the membrane materials by the steel cables and pillars to achieve a stable form. Not only is it innovative, but its shape is very beautiful.
In recent years, the large span space is also used in the form of wire cable mesh with compression material to support the upper membrane material. Because the accuracy of construction activities is relatively good and the performance of the structure is excellent, and its performance is also very good, so its cost is slightly lower than the previous one.
(3) The membrane material is set near the structure of the roof, and the air supply system is used to ensure that the air pressure inside the house increases to the appropriate pressure, at this time there will be a pressure difference outside the house, so that it can cope with external force. Since it is maintained by air pressure, and the steel cable is used as a matching material, it does not need any beams or columns.

Therefore, its space is wider and the construction activities are very convenient and the profits are high, but to ensure the continuous operation of the air supply equipment for a day, it is also necessary to consider its operation and maintenance funds are very large.