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What is PTFE ?

PTFE (polytetrafluroethlyene) coated high translucency glass fibre fabric is a dynamic tensile material unmatched for its aesthetics and durability, making it ideal for tensile membrane structures and shade structures. PTFE glass fibre coating is chemically inert and capable of withstanding temperatures from -73'C to +232'C. The low-surface free energy of the material results in a fabric membrane which is readily rinsed by rainwater and is completely immune to UV radiation. Under normal conditions, the fabric behaves elastically and does not undergo significant stress relaxation or creep.

Fabric performance

PTFE glass fibre high translucent fabric membrane can be spot welded or sewn and provides exceptional strength and durability. These features allow designers the ability to push the envelope of exterior (and interior) design without worrying about cracking or creasing under the strain of repeating flexing or folding. Structurally, PTFE glass fibre fabric is waterproof, resists UV rays and is chemically inert. As a result, it is exceptionally stain resistant and easy to clean. PTFE fabric can reflect as much as 60 percent of visible light to make it a cost-effective, low-maintenance option for building owners and developers who demand a material that installs white and stays that way, long after a project has been completed.

Non-stick attributes

 In addition to PTFE's 'non-stick' attributes, when coated with titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) photo-catalyst they inherit self cleaning properties that are superior to conventional PTFE coating. Called the Photo-catalytic decomposition process, a self cleaning action that occurs as the TiO2 causes any organic matter (stain or pollutant) to decompose through simple oxidation. The residue does not adhere to the surface and is washed away by water or rain. The Photo-catalytic hydrophilicity process, the sheeting action of water across the surface, assures no unsightly streaking is left behind due to water beading.

Natural lighting

PTFE glass fibre high translucency fabric, is ideally suited for commercial and retail market sectors. By evenly dispersing daylight, this material is a sensible option for facilities such as malls or office complexes, where indoor foliage and landscaping are commonly used. In these interiors, plants grow more naturally without "reaching" toward a specific light source. This material also lends itself well to dramatic illumination. With its highly reflective coating, PTFE glass fibre high translucency fabric serves as a compelling backdrop  for night time or interior lighting..